Chicago WGN Radio outlasted all the rest of the global news organisations who flocked to Ukraine in 2022. It is only today, after 1,027 days of this big war, that WGN is stopping its daily Ukraine reports.
I have provided those reports every weekday these past nearly three years. This news was a shock to me, especially as I make the reports at no cost to the station. A cancellation would have seemed to make more sense in the summer doldrums in 2022 or 2023, say! But we made it a long way, and kept America’s third biggest city hooked on Ukraine for nearly three years every morning. Thanks to host Bob Sirott for making this possible. The decision to kill the segment was not his.
Below is my last WGN broadcast. But I will continue to broadcast every day, posting my 10 minute reports from Ukraine on X, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook at 7:20am every morning Chicago time. You’ll just no longer find me on WGN 720 AM Radio.
You can follow our daily broadcast on our YouTube and Spotify channels.
Please forward to friends!
RADIO WAR DAY 1,027: Unexpected Final WGN Broadcast – “When the Ukrainian Sun Rises, Russia Will Fall”
You can also view and share this as a thread on X, where it has more than 350,000 views.
A goodbye I didn’t expect—neither with jubilation on victory day, nor with dying breaths in the rubble, but on a random Monday in December. Goodbye, Chicago, but daily reports from Ukraine continue right here. KYIV—For 1,027 days, @WGNRadio, with Bob Sirott in Chicago and me on the ground, has been the only global media outlet reporting live from Ukraine every weekday of Russia's full-scale invasion. Unexpectedly, management has now ordered the cancellation.
Every weekday, we were live from Ukraine. For nearly three years, daily, no vacations. Hard to believe. I could have stayed on through this week, but my goodbye felt right today. I often imagined my last broadcast would come with triumph or tragedy—jubilation on the day of victory or a final report dying in the ruins after a Russian missile landed on me. Instead, it ends on a random calm December Monday, just as Ukraine feels more critical than ever.
Thank you to WGN listeners for your encouraging loyalty; Bob Sirott for his editorial vision, integrity, and wit; producers Joe and Hayley for their kind and diligent work, and our Ukrainian Freedom News team and dedicated supporters. This was a labor of truth-seeking-and-sharing: I took no money from the station. I’ll continue daily at 7:20 AM Chicago time on X, YouTube, and Instagram—just not on WGN 720 AM on the radio dial. Tune in, stay informed, and let’s keep this story alive. 10 minutes a day, fresh from Ukraine continues tomorrow, here.
Here is pleasant and now sweetly nostalgic video about these past 1,027 days of broadcasting.
We welcome support for our work here--including our monthly deliveries to the front.
Bureaucrat Main Character Syndrome is killing Ukraine — and America
Victoria Nuland, the Vindman twins and Hunter Biden all share a problem: they think they’re the stars of a story that isn’t theirs
Read JP Lindsley's story in The Spectator, the world's oldest magazine.
Never Again, Again and Again
Never Again, Again and Again
Never again? Great again? Again and again Lie again? Sleep again? Awake again? Understand again? Forget again? Again and again, we say, "Never again," but never a gain of understanding. And so, "never again" becomes "always again." "Never again," we cry again and again. "Next time, we will stand against tyranny and evil." But when next time comes, when the challenge rises again, we fail to stand against it— again and again. Because so often, on this planet, a gain of insight again becomes lost. When faced with evil, we choose to refuse to act— again. When were we great? No more "again." Simply, Be Great Now.
Propaganda Decoder
The only American report live from Ukraine, every weekday:
UKRAINIAN FREEDOM NEWS: Please consider sustaining us at $10/month.
Regular Resources:
Air-Raid Alert Map
State of the War Map: shows Russian positions and what Ukrainians have taken back; updated daily
Mriya Report: a 24/7 Twitter audio channel featuring the best Ukrainian volunteers and representatives. Joe Lindsley joins every Wednesday at 9pm Kyiv time.
Follow us across various social media: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or via